Human nature is tough to overcome. We are biologically programmed to think certain ways about certain people, specifically our loved ones. When it comes to how we view someone suffering from addiction, friends and family are often in denial about how bad the problem is. Parents can see the warning signs with their own eyes, but still not believe it.
My parents saw my behavior start to change and noticed that something wasn’t right, but they didn’t know what to look for. With the exception of a pipe or needle, they had no knowledge of specific items a person in active addiction might use. They didn’t know about drug paraphernalia. If you find any of these items in conjunction with a change in behavior, it should be a red flag that the person is using drugs.
Here are 16 Common Items You Didn’t Know Drug Addicts Use:
Hollowed Out Pens, Straws, Rolled Up Money
Aluminum Foil sheets, Squares
Small Mirrors, Glass Plates
Glass Pipes, Love Roses, Little Glass Tube With Roses In Them (More Info Below)
Steel Brillo
Plastic Bottles Cut Open
Belts, Necktie’s, Rope
Q-tips, Cotton Balls, Tampons, Cigarette Filters
Excessive Water
Spoons, or Bottle Caps (especially if they are burned)
Baggies, Small Plastic Bags
Large Pill Capsules, Glass Viles
Needles, Syringes
Razor Blades, Credit Cards, ID cards, Playing Cards
Hose Clamps, Pill Grinder
Light Bulbs
If you do find any of this paraphernalia, pay close attention to the person’s behavior. Many of these items by themselves don’t immediately signal drug abuse. If you also notice the person is acting differently then you should start to pay closer attention. These behavioral changes may include:
Pen tubes, straws, and rolled-up money are commonly used by addicts to snort drugs. They’re also used to “chase the dragon”.Chasing the dragon means smoking drugs (heroin, cocaine, meth) off of a piece of aluminum foil. The straw or pen tube is placed in the user’s mouth and they suck up the smoke when the drugs are heated up, this gives users a more intense high.
Aluminum foil is used to “chase the dragon” as explained above. Foil can also be used to secure and handle small amounts of drugs. Many dealers will put a gram of cocaine in a little foil square and roll it closed. This keeps it secure and very small which they can conceal better.
3. Small Mirrors, Glass Plates
Mirrors and plates have been used for decades to cut up and break up drugs on. These items are used because they’re easily found in most houses. Also, there is a certain cultural appeal of cutting up drugs on a mirror. Many movies and TV programs show drugs being used on top of a mirror. Drug users want to get a certain feeling and environment when doing drugs. Doing drugs like celebs is often part of their experience.
4. Love Roses, Glass Pipes, Glass Tube With Fake Rose In It,
Glass pipes are commonly used for smoking marijuana. These pipes are typical and most people know what they look like. Crack users can’t use these marijuana pipes for smoking crack, it clogs up the pipe, so they use a different glass pipe. Many gas stations and corner stores sell little glass tubes with a fake rose in them.They are about 2-3 inches long and about 1/2 inch in diameter. When the rose is taken out these are commonly used as crack pipes.
The reason the little fake rose is in them is for legal purposes. A gas station can’t sell a crack pipe, but they can sell a little rose that looks cool. The store owners and the cops know what these are used for, but they can’t do anything unless the law is changed.
5. Steel Brillo, Metal Mesh, Copper Mesh
Steel Brillo is used as a makeshift filter to put in a glass tube for smoking crack. Crack is like candle wax or butter, when it’s at room temperature it’s a very soft solid, but when you heat it up it melts. If someone tries to smoke crack out of a normal tobacco pipe it usually melts inside and gets stuck, or melts and drips into the user’s mouth causing burns. This is a waste to a drug user.
When it’s smoked out of a glass tube with a chunk of steel brillo or metal mesh, the brillo acts as a filter. The drug melts and the brillo or metal catches it, while the smoke passes through the brillo into the user’s mouth.
All these stores that sell the glass tubes with the roses also sell little chunks of steel brillo. They don’t advertise this but if you ask they will grab a piece from behind the counter for you. Look for burned steel brillo laying around as a sign of crack cocaine use.
6. Plastic Bottles Cut Open
Water bottles or pop bottles can be used as a pipe when a drug user is in a bind. If you notice water bottles with a hole cut in the side or bottom this may be a sign someone is using drugs. An easy way to spot a bottle that’s been used as a pipe is to look at the color. When a bottle is used as a pipe, the bottle will change color due to the heat and drug residue. An easy way to spot this is to look for a brownish tint or ashy burn marks around any bottles you think were used for drugs.
Belts, Neckties, and rope are all used as tourniquets for drug addicts. Most addicts don’t have a medical tourniquet so they use what’s available to them. Regular belts are the most commonly used in these situations.
**If the addict is getting high in a car they will often use the seat belt as a tourniquet.
When an addict injects drugs, they need to have some type of filter to strain out the “cut” or impurities. A small piece of cotton is all a person needs to do this. Addicts will get cotton from q-tips, cotton balls, tampons, and cigarette filters.If you notice little chunks of cotton balls laying around or pieces of cotton taken out of numerous cigarettes in someone’s pack this should be a sign. Look for the cotton to be discolored, and rolled or smushed into little balls.
9. Excessive Water
I know this sounds stupid and obvious, but it’s something easy to look for. Drugs like heroin and cocaine need to be mixed with water before being injected. It only takes a small amount, but it’s essential for injecting drugs. When I was in active addiction, I would always bring 2 water bottles with me before I left the house. One for drinking and one for drugs.
On many occasions, the one I used for injecting would have little bits of residue in it or the water would have a tiny change in color from all the times I dipped the needle in it. Look for the water to be a tiny shade different than regular water.
10. Spoons or Bottle Caps
Spoons and bottle caps have been used as a container to mix drugs for a long time. An addict needs a small space to put the drugs in and then mix in a small amount of water. Pay special attention to the bottom of spoons or bottle caps. If they have burn marks or black ash this should be an immediate warning sign. Also, look for tiny used cotton balls left on the spoon.
11. Baggies and Small Plastic Bags
Drugs are kept in small baggies so they can be concealed easily. If you notice an abundance of little “dime bags” or sandwich bags laying around this should be a warning. These little baggies range in size but are usually about an inch wide by an inch tall.
I sold some weed during my early partying days. I would buy boxes of sandwich bags from the store and have dozens laying around my room. No matter what the drug is most dealers use these little baggies to sell their product.
12. Large Pill Capsules and Glass Viles
If the drugs don’t come in a little baggie then they come in small glass vials or pill capsules.The dealers can easily swallow the capsules if needed or toss the glass vials if they are in a bind. Different cities have different black market drug trades. In Rochester, the drugs are sold in baggies or wax baggies. In Baltimore, the drugs are sold in pill capsules and glass vials.
13. Needles and Syringes
Needles and syringes are used for injecting drugs. States have different laws regarding how someone can get syringes. Here in NY, they are sold at every pharmacy. Many states have a needle exchange program where addicts can bring in used needles and trade them in for new clean ones. If you find any needles or syringesDO NOT PICK THEM UP WITHOUT PROTECTION. Make sure you put gloves on and grab the end with the plunger, not the end with the spike. If possible don’t pick the needle up with your hands, use a tool to avoid any contact with the needle.
14. Razor Blades, Credit Cards, Playing Cards
Any object with a fine straight edge can be used for cutting up drugs. People commonly use their credit cards, razor blades, or playing cards to chop up cocaine or other drugs into lines. If you notice a white powder on the bottom of your loved ones’ credit cards this should be a sign.
15. Hose Clamps or Pill Grinders
Hose clamps and pill grinders are used to crush up a pill into a powder so it can be snorted or injected. Many pharmaceutical companies are now making painkillers with an outside protective coating, which makes it harder to crush up or grind. Even with the companies and government making new “tamper-proof”pills, addicts will always find a way.
When I was in active addiction I would take hose clamps off of the pipes under the sink or the ones off of the engine in my car. Once my addiction got worse I went to the hardware store and bought a bunch of hose clamps to always have ready.
16. Light Bulbs
In a pinch, light bulbs can be used as a pipe for smoking meth or crack. Smoking out of a light bulb can be dangerous. The bulb is very brittle and can crack at any moment. Most addicts will use this method as a last resort, but it can be done.
Spot The Signs
I’ve used everything on this list at one point during my active addiction days. Most of the time I went to great lengths to hide these items from my family, but occasionally I would leave items lying around. If and when they did find something I would lie, lie, lie. I thought I was being smooth and doing a good job of hiding my drug paraphernalia, but most addicts get sloppy. It got to a point when I would just leave stuff lying around because I was so high I forgot where I put everything.
Kyle Ruggeri, CARC (Certified Addiction Recovery Coach) is a recovering addict/alcoholic. Kyle created Soberdogs Recovery as a way to get accurate and first-hand information about addiction and recovery out to the world. Kyle has been in recovery for over 5 years.
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